• Oliver

    Oliver is very loved-he was rescued by his new mama and lives a charmed life. He needed some dental work so we stepped in with a grant.

  • Miss Kitty

    Miss Kitty needed a Little extra help when getting spayed. So Bo Paws stepped in with some funds to bridge the financial gap. She is living her best life as an independent, child-free queen

  • Frank

    ****Frank Update!** Frank Shed his dead heart worm and tested negative for the parasite. So he was adopted to a wonderful family. He is their first cat and they feel in love immediately. He has a little boy to grow up with and he follows his mom all over the house. He is so very loved

    Frank is a foster fail. He was diagnosed with Heart worms and in cats it isn’t treatable. So we decided the best thing to do was just keep him here with us at Bo Paws headquarters. He is doing well and shows no signs of slowing down. Heartworm in cats can be fatal if larvae causes a blood clot as cats usually only have one or two larvae that survive. We could have a full life with Frank or not, but he lives and loves without fear and regret.

  • Leon

    Oh Leon. He is a stray that came to us from a concerned citizen. He is young and spicy and he is currently getting treated for parasites. ear infections and soon to be neutered. We will then put him up for adoption. He is a sweet boy that needs someone to play with him and respect his desire to be loved on but only for a short while. He is pretty independent and isn’t a fan of dogs or domineering cats.