Dogness- The Embodiment of Purity, Love and Forgiveness; Absent of Judgment and Expectations.

Bo and his Brindle Friends at Lucky Bones DayCare.

Random Acts Of Dogness: Selfless Acts of Kindness Performed for Animals In Need or For the People Who Love Them.

Donate to a local shelter- It can be monetary or volunteer your time

Donate to a local shelter- It can be monetary or volunteer your time

Bo Ogopogo Tip: Take Blankets, Toys Or Treats to a rural shelter that may have less finding.

Expert Level Dogness: Make a gift box for each shelter animal and include toys and treats for each one. This is a great idea for Christmas or Valentines Day!

Pay on an account with a local Veterinarian

Pay on an account with a local Veterinarian

Bo Ogopogo Tip: Ask your Veterinarian to apply money to an account that they know could use some assistance.

Expert Level Dogness: Make a Monthly Contribution


Join in on the Random Acts of Dogness Movement. You can participate by doing your own selfless act of kindness for a dog, dog rescue or dog lover of your choosing or nominate someone to us. Each Month We Will Randomly select from our list of nominees and choose one to receive a Bo Paws It Forward special gift.

Share on Instagram with the hashtag bosrandomactsofdogness and tag us @bo_ogopogo _mastiff