Cost of Pet Guardianship

The benefits of pet guardianship far outweigh the financial investment- unless you don’t have the money to spare. The cost of pet guardianship will vary due to the size, breed, age and previous care (or neglect) of the animal but this article will explore an average that you can use as a guide.

Adoption fees or Purchase Price

Whether you acquired your new friend from a free ad, adopted from your local shelter or paid top dollar at a pet store or breeder; this one time expense will be the least you spend on your pet.

Pet Food

Nutrition for your pet should never be a place you cut corners. Poor quality food can contribute to a number of health issues including hair loss, allergies, persistent itching, stomach distress, obesity and even more serious medical conditions such as heart and kidney disease. Foods with unnatural dyes, fillers (this is often chicken feathers and used to increase volume of food) and other additives. Consider your pets age, breed and activity level and confer with your Veterinarian as to the best food choices.

Initial Supplies

This expense will include Bowls, leashes, collars, toys, treats, blankets, crates and anything else your pup may need for dinner time, play time and bed time. These are not one time fees as these items may wear out or your dog may out grow or develop a special need for other items. I know in my household, I have a monthly allowance for toys, winter coats, and new leash/collars.

Veterinarian and Medical Expenses

Barring no emergencies this can be fairly predicable and is incurred once a year for wellness exams for young dogs and twice a year for senior dogs. ( A senior dog is not necessarily an old, decrepit dog- In smaller breeds, a senior dog is 7 years old while in Giant Breeds its around 4 Years old).

Monthly Prescription

Heartworm is a serious medical condition that is completely preventable. The nominal charge for preventive is worth the peace of mind. In the time I worked in rescue and vet offices, I witnessed dogs undergoing heartworm treatment and its not only expensive and painful but it is not a guaranteed cure.


This is a greatly varied cost. It could be as simple as a bath and nail trim or as complex as a poodle cut. Typically nails should be cut every 3-4 weeks and bathing should be no more than once a month. Brushing is important regardless of the length of hair.

Behavior Training

This should be as important as Vet care. It has been estimated that 95% of all dogs dumped at a shelter have NOT been to a formal training class. There are ways to train your dog that are accepted by some professional trainers but they are outdated and can often do more harm than good. It is important to find a positive dog trainer (often called No Force Trainer ) and attend classes with your dog. Any trainer will tell you; they are teaching YOU how to teach your dog, so its important that the handler is who attends classes with the dog. No Force trainers work to strengthen your dogs bond to you and they work with the nature that dogs want to be near their guardians.

Pet Sitting/Boarding

When you need to take a vacation or go out of town for a business meeting, you need a plan for your dog. There are many veterinarians that offer boarding services as well as pet hotels. Whenever possible, its ideal to let the dog stay on their home and have a sitter or dog walker stop by several times a day.

Pet Insurance

This insurance is much like your own medical insurance. They typically refund approved costs within a few weeks. My dog had several medical conditions that required hydrotherapy, accupunture and surgery and it was covered at 90 % with a $250 deductible. We paid about 68.00 a month and it included wellness reimbursement. They even paid for the euthanasia and cremation services. In the end, we received more benefits than we paid out.

Money Under 30 has compiled a rough estimate based on the costs of guardianship for a Medium Sized Dog

Adoption Cost- $0-$660 ( For purchased breeds these fees can be more like 2k-5k)

Food- $30-50 month (Giant Breeds would be more like $75-$100 Per Month)

Start Up Supplies- $50-$300 ( A bed for my Mastiff was $400.00- So this is a low figure)

Veterinarian/Vaccines- $50-$300 ( With yearly vaccines this would be much closer to the $300 average for any dog)

Microchip - $50 ( This Fee is often included with adoption or the local humane society may do it for $25.00)

Spay /Neuter- $ 20-300 ( This would typically be included in the adoption fee )

Licensing- $10-$20

Preventive Medications- Heartworm/Flea/Tick- $50 -$100 ( Giant Breeds are more like $160)

Total one time estimate for dogs- $260-1780

Total Annual estimate for dogs- $380-$11780\

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