About Us!

Just Two -Too Cool kids from 1997

Let us introduce ourselves! My name is Amanda Travis and with my husband Buddy Travis, we founded and operate Bo Paws it Forward.

We both grew up in rural Ohio-He went to Jonathan Alder High School and I went to Madison Plains High School. We met while working at the Pizza Hut in London Ohio where I was a waitress and he was a delivery driver. We had an unmistakable love at first sight experience that built on late nights of cleaning pizza ovens and running deliveries to Lake Choctaw. You don’t have to believe in fairy tales to end up living in one and I am proud to say I met my soul mate when I was just 20 years old.

His mother Sharon loved animals and instilled that in him from a young age. They had special needs dogs that they had rescued and hand raised. He was taught the value of loving and caring for animals.

In my own home, My mom Rose also taught my sister and I respect for animals. We were raised with Hamsters, birds, dogs, cats and my turtle Myrtle. In time we would acquire a pot bellied pig, pygmy goats, hedgehog, guinea pigs, mice, rats and a mini horse. My childhood was magical.

With these similar experiences, Buddy and I had a solid foundation to build our lives. Our home has been shared with many pets over our 26 year relationship. Some of the animals were adopted, some fostered, and some were hospice fosters. We dedicated our spare time and extra money to helping when we could.

Buddy’s career in the car sales industry has permitted us to fund this organization without start up costs acquired from donations. We try to operate without taking from the donations as much as possible so that all of the money can directly save lives.

My sister, Terri and Mom, Rose are integral parts of operations. They assist with fundraising, collaborations and so much more. Sadly, We lost Sharon in 2017 so she was never able to see the goodness she initiated with her affinity for animals.

Bo Paws it Forward is a legacy for my soul dog that was taken too soon-Bo Ogopogo but it is also a representation of how love, friendship and finding your soul mate can make the world a better place. We hope you can see the love and passion we have for improving the lives of families and their pets. We are here without judgement to offer a partnership to anyone who needs a little help; either financially, emotionally or personally.

Bo Ogopogo and Buddy sharing a heart to heart